Sport and leisure partners celebrate the Suffolk Community Games success

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 14/07/2022

Active Suffolk, and key partners from the sport and leisure sector have celebrated the success of the Festival of Suffolk Community Games after months of planning and preparation.

The event which took place on Saturday 9th July invited school children and their families to access a diverse range of traditional and non-traditional activities including paddleboarding, climbing, BMX, skateboarding, archery, football skills, dance and circus skills to name only a few.

We were delighted to have supported the event with free transport to enable participants from different parts of the county to attend.

In addition to the schedule of activities which were delivered from the Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre and King Edward VI School site, local people were also invited to spectate the regional Special Olympics competition, Suffolk FA’s football festival, plus the special visit of the Queen’s Baton Relay.


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